Tuesday, February 23, 2010

programming Q + A

Here are some questions I fielded in my office yesterday. I want to share the answers here so that we're all on the same page...or...blog.

Q : Can we move the elevators and/stairs?
A : No, these elements need to remain in the same place.

Q : Can we move mechanical closets?
A : Yes.

Q : Can we add additional elevators if we feel they need more?
A : Yes, but be aware that more elevators means additional mechanical rooms.

Q : Can we move entry doors/ exterior windows?
A : No, must keep same shell

Q : Can we add another deck?
A : No, we want to keep you working within the current building shell. This, the elevator, and the stairs cannot change....everything else is fluid.

Also, please note that you should not based your programs on keeping your spaces under 25,000 sq. ft. This was an estimation Stephanie used after briefly reviewing the construction documents. You need to measure the space for yourselves to determine the exact gross square footage to base your programs on.

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