Throughout the semester you will embark on a number of case study investigations. The purpose of these exercises is to heighten your observation of details in environments around the world, thereby increasing your body of knowledge for future projects. For each case study you must construct a succinct analysis, complimented by an abundance of quality annotated/captioned photographs and sketches that expand upon your written investigation. Each case study is to be presented on your blog with appropriate links and citations prior to the beginning of class on its due date.
For this assignment, in preparation for the new unit, we ask that you work with your pen pal groups (see the matrix) to investigate two environments that foster community (you are to interpret this requirement however you wish). The first of these environments is assigned below. You are to be the judge of whether they foster community successfully or not. The second environment is to be of your group’s choosing. Feel free to step outside the box in what type of community space you choose as you focus your attention on details that make it a good place for people to come together. In each investigation, you must make direct reference to a book you check out from Jackson Library. [Please note that we strongly recommend you wander the stacks of the 4th floor of Jackson Library for inspiration in all projects!]
Pen Pals (1) Cabrini Green, Chicago, Il
Pen Pals (2) Centennial Place, Altanta, GA
Pen Pals (3) Westwood Heights and Longfellow Courts, Seattle, WA
Pen Pals (4) Cloyne Court Hotel, Berkley, CA
Pen Pals (5) Pruitt-Igoe, St. Louis, MO
Pen Pals (6) New York City Public Housing [you can identify one specific site]
Pen Pals (7) Honeycomb Apartments, Slovenia
INVESTIGATION TWO : Site of your pen pal group’s choosing.
You are to complete this assignment as a group and post to your blog for presentation by the beginning of class Friday,February 5. Each pen pal should have the exact same post as his group mates on his/her blog. In other words, cut and paste the html from one blog to another.
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