Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Design[ing] Happiness
In addition to looking inward, you should also look outward. What are the elements of design that make your classmates, fellow design students, and community happy?
Consider the relationship between design happiness and design thinking?
As a studio community, you are to create a design happiness map. It can take any shape or form, and be in any location….though we encourage you to think big. How can it make the most impact? How can you best express happiness?
As always, process explorations should be captured in digital form and continually documented on your blog.
Final Documentation…
The final documentation of this project is entirely up to you. You design the presentation format and style…follow your design happiness.
Important Dates…
426 . introducing design happiness
428 . presentations of happiness work time
430 . more presentations of happiness studio clean-up
503 . workday
504 . present your happiness
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Invitation to Final Presentation
The event will be held on Friday April 23rd in the Lobby of Gatewood from 1pm to 2pm. We encourage you to share any comments and questions about the student's work before, during, and after the presentation.
The projects to be featured include a reflection on the Makeshift Shelters and all three phases of Unity Village. The class is excited about sharing their work with the department and community. We look forward to seeing you on Friday.
Earth Day Celebration!
We will be displaying a number of paper creations at our table and we have created a limited number of small journals, which will be handed out to visitors during the celebration. We invite you to join us for the Earth Day celebrations on Thursday and encourage you to check out our process on the blog.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Capturing Process

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Example of Materials Board
Phase Three Process Booklet Requirements
The process booklet for phase three will be reviewed in draft form on Monday April 19th and the final process booklet will be turned in on Friday April 23rd. The process booklet should measure 8.5" x 11" and have a simple binding. The layout of the process booklet is up to you, however the items listed below must be included in the process booklet:
Plans (all plans are to be scaled to 3/16" = 1'-0")
- A Floor Plan with Room Legend (this floor plan should not include moveable furniture, only built-ins)
- A Reflected Ceiling Plan with Lighting Legend
- A Finished Floor Plan with Room Legend (this floor plan should include all proposed furniture)
- A Rendered Floor Plan
- Programming Document
- User Needs Chart
- Casework Details (includes sections, elevations, axonometrics, small models, and supporting photographs)
- Interior Elevation(s) scaled to 3/16" = 1'-0" or larger
- A digital materials board (example will be provided on Friday)
- A document providing specified lighting, fixtures, and furnishings (excel document to be provided)
- Interior Perspectives
- Sketchbook pages (scanned)
- Blog posts relevant to phase three
- Written process timeline
- Thumbnail floor plans
- SketchUp screen captures of process
- Inspirational images
- Reflections on process
- Any other process related information
Monday, April 12, 2010
Designer Strengths
"I feel that I was truly blessed with the gift of 'quick ideas/ solutions'." - Clairissa Anderson
"As I have been in IARC for just about two years now, I have really noticed my loving for organization of things." - Haley Preston
"I would have to say my biggest design strength, (or at least I hope,) is my ability to incorporate aesthetic beauty with form and function in my design work." - Jeff Linn
"With all of the research and observation i've done about people in space i think that i could proudly articulate the situations that would occur within particular living spaces." - Wesley Shamlian
"I think that my biggest strength has to be that i am so passionate about what i do. It makes me happy, i couldn't see myself doing anything else." - Tracey Wright
"One would say being knowledgeable in many design software programs such as Revit, AutoCad, ArchiCad to develop my design process would be one of my strength." -Ino Loloci
"My strengths as a designer have to do with the fact that I truly care about the users of the space. I put myself in the position of the clients and what they need or want." - Meghan Kaufmann
"I love making something from nothing and completely putting myself in everything I create." - Kalani Gonzalez
"I wouldn’t consider coming up with a concept a strength rather than thinking outside of the box and looking past cliché themes. " - Kelsey Rhode
"When I start designing a space, I never stop thinking about it." - Cassandra Gustafson
"I am good at being dedicated to long hours with out any rest or days where I don't get to do anything but sit in the studio all the time however it is always rewarding." - David Harrill
"I have a good grasp on perspectives and drawing how you would see something." - Brittany Stiles
"My design strength is that I have two different cultural backgrounds which are Korean and American cultural background. It helps me to understand a particular thing in two ways based on my various cultural background." - Young Moon
"In my presentation of space I enjoy using hand drawing skills to reflect the fullest extent of expression and atmosphere. I find that the user's imagination is engaged in the space more so though hand drawings than by other means." - Carlos Smith
"I feel that I am successful at managing my time and getting everything done correctly and efficiently." -Hope Talley
"I feel that my strengths as a designer lie with graphics and digital rendering." - Hailey Allen
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Unity Village Residential Units
1 - David Harrill
2 - Vacant
3 - Vacant
4 - Wesley Shamlian
5 - Veronica Harvey
6 - Felicia Dean
7 - Shane Jones
8 - Kalani Gonzalez
Floor 14
1 - Cassandra Gustafson
2 - Hailey Allen
3 - Haley Preston
4 - Young Moon
5 - Kelsey Rhode
6 - Jeff Linn
7 - Paris Williford
8 - Hope Talley
Floor 15
1 - Meghan Kaufmann
2 - Charese Allen
3 - Ino Loloci
4 - Tracey Wright
5 - Clairissa Anderson
6 - Brittany Stiles
7 - Carlos Smith
8 - Pamela Lilies
Monday, April 5, 2010
phase three : exemplifying commUNITy

With having completed both phase one and phase two in teams, you will be tackling phase three solo. After a short design charrette, you will be randomly assigned a client and a unit space. You will use your creativity and design skills to develop a thoughtful and innovative private living unit inspired by your previous concept for phase two and your client’s lifestyle.
Design Development
As before, you will create a programming document for the unit noting all spaces to be included along with the user’s needs and wants. Prior to designing the space, conduct a search for a collection of standard for residential interiors and post these standards on your blog. Share any interesting information that you find with classmates.
Along with the above documents you will draft a floor plan complete with room legend. You are to use either hand drafting techniques or a computer drafting program. No basic SketchUp floor plans will be accepted. In addition to the floor plan you will create and turn in the following:
- A finished floor plan with legend
- A reflected ceiling plan with lighting legend
- Casework details (includes sections, elevations, and axonometric)
- A set of specifications (includes materials, lighting, fixtures, and furnishings)
With having experimented with a variety of models throughout the semester, you will again be using your model-making skills to create a series of high-quality process models to reveal the ways in which your concept development influences the architecture of the space. Use this opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned from the previous models both in construction techniques and visual appeal. Take the time to talk to fellow classmates about their techniques and model-making processes. You are to have at least 3 key elements modeled for class on Monday April 12th. The success of the models will be based heavily on care and craft.
Renderings and Materials
In conjunction with the above requirements, you will further present the unit you are designing through a series of perspectives, interior elevations, and a rendered floor plan. These perspectives should capture the human experience and highlight the main design elements of the space. The interior elevations should be used to show how the spaces connect to one another and connect to the occupants while the rendered floor plan will further emphasize flooring materials and spatial connections. Take risks with your presentation of these drawings…try new things…push yourself to expand your skills!
Process Work…
As was the case with previous work, your process explorations should be captured in digital form and continually documented on your blog with at least three posts per week. Continue with the strong tradition of capturing this work along the way rather than waiting until the night before any deadlines.
Along with this continuous process documentation on your blog, you will be creating a process booklet for phase three. This booklet should contain all idea generations, sketches, snap shots of process models, reflections, inspirations, and any other information important to illustrating your process. This booklet should be bound and turned in with your project on Wednesday, April 21st.
Final Documentation…
Requirements for final documentation will be discussed well in advance of the project deadlines. However, you should keep in mind that you final documentation should take digital form and work to capture appropriate images during the course of the semester to make this process as painless as possible. Your final grade will not be posted until complete documentation has been submitted following all guidelines and requirements.
Important Dates…
4|5 . introduce phase three
4|9 . desk crits
4|14 . small group crits
4|16 . desk crits
4|19 . phase three draft due
4|21 . phase three final presentation
M 4|5
W 4|7 phase two feedback
F 4|9 research paper proofreading due
M 4|12 process models due
W 4|14
F 4|16 research paper final due
M 4|19 phase three draft due
W 4|21 phase three final presentation
Design Charrette
Thursday, March 25, 2010
greetings from atlanta

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Final presentation requirements for Phase Two: involving/evolving community
You will also turn in a hard copy of these slides in booklet form printed on 8 ½ “ x 11” paper and bound with the other teams in your neighborhood. For these booklets, remember to consider a cover page, contents page, and organization style.
Grading Criteria:
Craft, Care and Quality
Visual Composition
Written Content
Follows Prompt
Creative Risk
Collection of items to turn in:
Digital copy of slide show (six slides max)
Digital copy of script (420 words max)
Bound Neighborhood booklet including all team slides
¼” Floor Model
Friday, March 19, 2010
What does design thinking mean to you?
“Design thinking is everything from research, diagrams,sketches, models, precedents, inspiration, programming...” – Tracey Wright
“Design thinking is problem solving.” – Meghan Kaufman
“Design thinking honestly means quite a bit to me. For years I have been saying that the world’s most valuable resource and final frontier is the creative thought processes of the human mind.” – Jeff Linn
“How I relate design thinking, use and implement it in the future will be based on my design experiences and processes. Design processes are trial and error, which lead to beneficial designs and answers.” – Felicia Dean
“Design should also not just involve the designer. The people that would be using a space or the related demographic should be incorporated into design decisions and to find the needs that must be met.” – Hailey Allen